About Beelzerog
Beelzerog.com & Beelzerog.online is the official website for the BeelzeRog Show and will contain links to social media sites, fundraising sites, a merchandise shop related to the BeelzeRog Show, as well as original art for sale, and more, as well as mirroring some of that content.
The BeelzeRog Show is a video series spotlighting and reviewing adult mods for mainstream video games, as well as talking about and reviewing adult video games. Other subjects include adult video game history and how to make mods.
BeelzRog is a middle-aged married white male from Midwest America who grew up with video games and various geek culture. He has been joined in recent videos by his lovely wife, Rini.
BeelzeRog can be contacted at beelzerog (at) gmail.com or physical mail to The BeelzeRog Show, 4255 S. Buckley Rd., PMB 191, Aurora, CO 80013.