BeelzeRog Adult Game & Nude Mod Review 31: Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Series
On September 15, 2024 by beelzerogLegends don’t die, they just get rebooted. And one of the kings of the reboot has shown up a few times in our video series, good ol’ Larry Laffer.
Rini: Ha!Ha!Ha!
He began life as a nameless protagonist in the game “SoftPorn Adventure“, was given his name and backstory by Al Lowe when he went off to the Land of the Lounge Lizards. After starring in several games and guest appearances in others, he was made a supporting character of his nephew, Larry Lovage, as the games moved to 3D. After 2 games, the Lovage story ended on a whimper and Laffer was back in the spotlight and in 2D point-&-click fashion with a Kickstarter-funded remake of the first game, named “Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded“.
Rini: Mmmmmm….
Then German developer Crazy Bunch released 2 new licensed games, “Wet Dreams Don’t Dry” in 2018 and its direct sequel “Wet Dreams Dry Twice” in 2020.
Rini: Just..I…That…
Rini: I mean, wet dreams do dry. They dry crusty, but they still dry.
I don’t know what to tell you. To me, it’s sounds like…umm…
Rini: Oh.. It’s like, ahhh, a (James) Bond parody.
Yeah, a lot of people try to put it up against, like, certain other video games, but I always saw them as Bond ripoffs.
Rini: Huh, interesting.
We find Larry in a dark and gloomy place,
Rini: The 90’s! No, just kidding.
fumbling around for a woman he thought he spent the night with. After some searching around, he manages to take a platform out, placing him right in front of the familiar rundown Lefty’s bar. He soon finds that he’s now over 30 years out of time, in the city of New Lost Wages, and through the usual sequence of events for Larry, meets and falls head over heels with executive assistant Faith Less and makes it his mission to earn enough dating app credits to match and date her. And hilarity ensues.
Rini: Could you imagine having to do dating app things these days?
“collective groan“
This game is chock full of both Larry and pop culture references, starting with the opening sequence. In the original game, if Larry died, they showed an underground complex where a new Larry was assembled and popped back the same manhole cover in this game. So it’s insinuated that this is a ‘leftover replacement’ Larry from 1987.
Rini: Maybe he’s coming from the wet dreams that didn’t dry.
Genetic Material?
Rini: Yah. Waste Not, Want Not!
It also allows Larry to be the same guy he was back in the 80s, looking at the 21st century though an outsider’s eyes on top of Larry’s usual cluelessness, especially the obvious allusion to iPhones, Apple, and tech bros.
I guess we should also mention the updated character design, because the game will.
Rini: Ya know. I have to admit a certain fondness for Larry’s look. ‘Cause, it’s that straight out of 1985, Don Johnson, Miami Vice, white linen suit with the pastel.
But it wasn’t. It kind of looks like that, but it’s not really, because it’s…
Rini: I think they were going more for a 70’s thing,
(Screen Text: That’s part of the joke. Larry was out-of-date even in the 80’s.)
but I’m sorry, it looks like it looks like 80’s to me.
It’s supposed to be the John Travolta white suit…
Rini: But you could never roll up your sleeves on those things.
Even in the old games, his sleeves were always rolled up.
Rini: Really?
Rini: Ohhhh.
He’s got the open shirt, and I think he’s got a gold chain or something like that. He’s supposed to be 70’s.
Rini: OK.
While no longer the shortstack with a big head he was originally,
Rini: (singing) Who’s that man with the big head?
…it still is recognizably Larry with his receding hairline and wimpy, slightly potbelly build & white leisure suit, unlike the character design he was given in “Box Office Bust“. It also helps to have the same voice actor from most of the Larry run, Jan Rabson, who, unfortunately, passed away in October 2022, so these two games will serve as a fitting tribute to the last time he will voice the beloved character.
Rini: Awwwww. See, that’s sad.
The other funny thing, though, is that he did a lot of anime voices.
Rini: Oh, did he?
He was the voice of Tetsuo in the original AKIRA dub, the Streamline one.
Rini: My god, you’re going to have to find a clip of that and put that in.
Speaking of which, the sequel game “Wet Dreams Dry Twice”, picks up almost immediately after the events of the first game, with Larry still dealing with Faith. If the first game was inspired by… well, the first game, “Land of the Lounge Lizards”, “Dry Twice” is clearly inspired by the second game, “Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)”, with it’s mostly tropical setting and especially the part where Larry is unknowingly carrying some information coveted by a foreign country, though this time it’s North Korea rather than Soviet Russia, which does lend to some more cringeworthy scenes of what is supposed to be a parody of Kim Jong Un dressed up like South Korean superstar Psy. Fortunately they focus more on “Mr. Wang” being a sexual deviant than racial stereotyping, but the voice sounds like someone trying to do a Lo-Pan impression sometimes.
Rini: As a Korean-American, I didn’t actually find that accent too terrible. And if you’re gonna say a Lo-Pan impression? David Hong,
(Screen Text: Actually James Hong, because he played David Lo-Pan in BTILC, so we got the names mixed up. Apologies!)
that played Lo-Pan. You realize he doesn’t sound like that.
I know! I’ve heard him.
Rini: He’s doing a parody of a Lo-Pan impression when he speaks anyways. Dude was born in Minneapolis! Give credit where credit’s due, I thought his Korean accent was actually better than most of them that I’ve heard lately.
These are very much your standard point and click adventure games. Larry will be picking up objects to store in his jacket and will need to think of new and inventive ways to use them to advance his goals. The background art can be very busy, so fortunately the game helpfully includes a button to show you who and what you can interact with, even if it’s just for Larry to comment about it. He also ends up with a virtual assistant name Pi that will offer help and commentary, taking the place of the usual narrator from some of the voiced games, while also being Larry’s ‘straight man’.
Rini: I love Pi. She’s great.
The games run very smooth in general, but I did have a problem with it freezing a few times, requiring a reboot of the game. The artwork is nice and generally clean. Lots of details and easter eggs in the backgrounds. Lots of lampshading of clear plot holes and several references to past games, including, at one point, being charged with breaking canon. But another thing I want to bring up is that the game, while raunchy in it’s humor, actually has some heart. There’s a few instances of Larry helping other people to get together and while Larry does get more devious as the two games go on, he’s generally not malicious and just wants to get by. And the game tries to punch up rather than down.
Rini: Yeah. Tech Bros.
If I have problems with the games, like I said, both games had performance issues, mostly freezing when apparently loading a new scene. It didn’t happen often, but more than a couple times each. Some of the puzzles solutions stretch the limits of imagination and a couple just broke them. Like for one puzzle, you need to have gone to the wrong area in the middle of nowhere to pick up an item. If I hadn’t consulted a walkthrough, I’d have never found it. There were also some problems with the subtitles matching what is said. A couple of times, it’s just a word missing, not really a big deal, but one point in the second game, the lines spoken and the subtitles were completely different. As a matter of fact, the 2nd game felt like a rush-job. Not in content, there was a lot of that, but I noticed some of the recorded lines were not clean. “Dry Twice” was released in 2020, so there’s the possibility that some of the lines were recorded in home set-ups and not in proper studios. Still, nothing that would keep me from recommending both games.
And just as I finished this script, I found an even better reason to play these games. Introducing the “Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams nude mods” by Thatgamer_, available on ModsDB. These alter the artwork to allow for nudity in the games, but with the idea that it would be scenes that made sense, mostly the sexy scenes, a few of the Timber profile pics, and whatnot. The Dry Twice game has more casual nudity due to its tropical setting, but also makes sense because the 2nd game itself was a little more spicy than the first.
Rini: Spicy’s always good.
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don’t Dry & Wet Dreams Dry Twice is available on Steam and Good Old Games, for PC, as well as Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and X-Box One.
I want to thank SpicyGaming.net for hosting our videos but if that’s not your jam, check us out on the Peertube instance Spectra.video and if you’d like to give us some support to keep making content, consider throwing a few bucks at Subscribestar.adult/beelzerog, where you can get alerts of upcoming reviews and listen to extra content.
Rini: Like our fascinating outtakes, ’cause we’re so funny, or something.
Rini: We’re definitely something.
Otherwise, join me on joystick.tv/u/beelzerog on Tuesdays at 8pm Mountain Time to watch me play adult and modded games with my new moving avatar,
Rini: Yay!
And announcing that we will soon be able to sell our merchandise on our website, beelzerog.com
See you next time!
Rini: Later! Byyyyyye!
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