BeelzeRog Nude Mode Review 8: Wishlist
On February 26, 2023 by beelzerogHey, everyone. If you’ve looked at the upload dates, you can see it’s getting late in the year. As such, my business is getting rather busy, so I’m not going to have time to play games to get footage for my mod reviews for the next several weeks. So, instead, I’m going to do one of those lists everyone loves at the end of the year. So here, in no particular order, is my Nude Mod Wishlist.
Um, OK, here’s the part where I interrupt before the good stuff and, hey! why stop now! I’ve noticed a lot of these games have locked themselves off from modding. And as an artist myself, I get it. You have a specific vision and you don’t like the idea of someone mucking with or mocking it, especially perverts like us.
But when you build these beautiful universes, it is very difficult for everyone to not want to play around in them beyond the constraints of your vision. This is the impulse behind fan art and fan fiction and fan films and cover bands and filking and a variety of attempts to play in the sandbox someone else built. And it can be profitable to the creators as well.
How many more copies of Skyrim or Fallout 4 have been sold because of people wanting to enjoy the mods other people have made to enhance or upend those games? So, a small plea from those of us who enjoy making and playing mods, please allow your games to be modded more easily, because in the end, I believe everyone wins.
Now, back to the Countdown, in no particular order
Postal 4: No Regerts
This one’s a double wish because the game itself is still in the Janky Alpha Stage. But hopefully, once the full game is available, a nude mod will not be far behind. I really had fun playing the one for Postal 2 and I’m enjoying the gameplay so far in Postal 4, so I hope the trend continues.
The Deus Ex series
OK, I know there is technically a nude mod for the original Deus Ex, but come on!
Though seriously, while I’d love a better nude mod for the original Deus Ex, I’m more focused on the 2 ‘prequels’ “Human Revolution” and “Mankind Divided”. Throwing in some real sexy into the world of implied sexy could really make it even more of a visual treat. These two games have a lot of potential for adult modding, given the different characters as well as visual ads and artwork. Given the space-age materials at hand, plus the teased augmentations, there should be the ability to add holographic transparencies and cut-outs that look realistic in-game. At minimum, there was a missed opportunity in the Red Light district in “Mankind Divided”.
Assassins Creed: Syndicate
While I know there are nude mods for more recent editions, like Origins and Odyssey, even one back in the original game, I’m more interested in the first game with gave you a playable female assassin in the form of Evie Frye. I’m sure that the various clothing models don’t give people much to work with when it comes to creating an all-out nude mod, but changing up clothing for cutouts and lacy see-thru panels might make some interesting clothing changes. Of course, other characters and environmental artwork would also be of interest.
And while it might even be harder to do, the rest of the games would be nice as well, if nothing else for the amount of brothels in almost all of the games.
Dead Rising 1 & 2
Horror and nudity always seem to go together… or maybe that was just the 80’s.
I had a lot of fun in the Dead Rising series, but I’m a little disappointed it didn’t go even more full out crazy. The set-ups in the mall and in the Las Vegas wannabe were all ripe for more. So many of the psychopath mini-bosses were sexual deviants and hell, there’s strip poker in the second game. But it’s still PG-13 at that level, so a nude mod would be make it so much more complete. And actually, I’ve found a couple for Dead Rising 2, one that strips the Bailey Twins and another that actually makes Chuck nude, but I’m having some problems tracking down the files that don’t go to websites that give me security warnings. So, if I’ve got to jump through those hoops, I might just wait and hope someone will make some more complete and easily accessible mods.
Bioshock series
So, let’s just cut to the chase because there’s one big reason people have been demanding a nude mod for Bioshock – Elizabeth. While the creators have expressed a big problem with that idea, the players obviously do not, if the amount of Elizabeth porn is any indication. But let’s expand that because there are plenty of other female characters, such as Rosalind Lutece, Brigid Tenenbaum, Daisy Fitzroy, Sofia Lamb, and possibly Eleanor Lamb, though I’ve found conflicting data about how old she is. Plus background characters and, of course, opportunities to change the various posters and ads in the games. I’ve always thought that Rapture should be a little more tawdry, especially at the end, because of the reported lack of censorship. And we all saw how much hypocrisy ran through Columbia, so adding a little more would have been amusing.
So that’s the main list as it stands. There’s a few others out there, but a handful I haven’t actually gotten to play, like The Outer Worlds by Obsidian, so I’m reserving my judgement until I know if I enjoy the games on their own. If you have any suggestions, opinions, or you know where we might find mods for the mentioned games, please let me know. Later!
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[…] I have seen images for elsewhere, like the “Dead Rising 2” nude mods I mentioned in my Wishlist video. Anyway, the zip files are password-protected, so you need an account to get the password. […]