BeelzeRog Nude Mod Review 2: Duke Nukem 3D
On February 26, 2023 by beelzerogHey gang, thanks for sticking around for a second episode. It’s been a learning process, and who knows, maybe by the end of it, I’ll even appear to be competent. One thing I did was actually sat down and listed my episode ideas and suddenly the game spotlight got a little bit larger, so definitely expect a longer run of episodes as long as I can keep doing them.
Also last episode, I mentioned that “Duke Nukem 3D” was the first game that I got a nude mod for and intended to be my original first episode. But I found an even better mod for it, so we’ll feature BOTH mods! Plus, if you stick around, you’ll see a special level that I had never had a chance to play until just now! So let’s talk a little bit about the Duke,
Now, if you want a full rundown, I suggest watching Civvie11’s Pro Nukem 3D series. But for me, I never played the original platformers and first saw the game while checking out one of those software stores in the mall like WaldenSoft or Electronics Boutique. The title screen was playing on a loop on a monitor near the front counter. The clerk told us about it and where to download the shareware version to check it out and it soon became one of our favorite games.
Why? A load of reasons, many just coming together for the first time. More realistic environments, doors swung open, light switches worked, mirrors showed your reflection, there were toilets and they could actually be used. Familiar locations like seedy neighborhoods with strip clubs and dirty book stores. And Duke himself had a personality. An outsized personality, fit for a B-Movie set along the likes of Arnold, Stallone, and Norris. If there had been a Duke Nukem film, it would have been made by Cannon Films back in the 80’s.
Which is why a nude mod makes so much sense for this game. For all of it’s sleaze factor, it’s very PG-13 in that regard. Less Shotgun Willie’s and more Burlesque, complete with tassels. And we all know why. Splattering alien brains on the wall is one thing, but naked breasts might end civilization.
The first nude was made by a modder who went by the handle Shagoo and was very simple, just needed to drop the ART file into the folder and it was complete. And here’s the result. Up the walkway, into the club, kill a few pigs and here you go. That’s it. That’s all. Replace the tassels with a couple of pink dots. I mean, I shouldn’t bitch too much. It was put out almost immediately after “Duke Nukem” came out and it was something, which is usually better than nothing. Usually…
I would have ended this review here, but then earlier this year, I stumbled on a newer nude mod pack from a guy by the handle of fgsfds. It compiles a couple of other nude mods by modders named Pigeon and The Mechanic, with additions by himself. Unfortunately, it only works with Eduke or BuildGDX, which isn’t a dealbreaker, but took work for someone who never used them before. Stupidly simple, in hindsight.
And if you’re wondering why the game keeps looking different, sometimes I’m filming it in Eduke, other times in World Tour, so keep that in mind.
So to me, THIS is a proper nude mod. Because not only did it handle all the strippers, it handled ALL of the women, from the hookers in the bar, to the karaoke girl, to secret areas with a woman dancing around the campfire, to the girls shooting porn in StacysXXX.
There’s also all of the captured women, in cocoons, held down by goo, suspended in the air, or tied to poles.
BTW, does this remind anyone of the second “Legend of the Overfiend” movie?
But what really helps set it apart is the altering of other artwork, like the wall calendars, the magazines, the posters, the movie posters, all the movie posters. Plus a few of the looped videos.
It’s little things like this that help sell the immersion. Not just placing a few naked girls into the scene, but making it part of the world they and Duke inhabited.
As a side note, I did track down The Mechanic’s Duke Nude X mod to check out how it compared to this nude mod pack. And, yeah, it wasn’t as thorough as the compilation. But it did add one item that wasn’t in the game before. It changed the film in the opening porn theater to actual looped porn. So score one for The Mechanic.
Lastly, we’ll show a special level created for Duke Nukem. It was a level created by “GT Interactive” and Penthouse magazine back in 1997. On top of the regular tiles, it had a few special bits of art, including models from Penthouse itself. Due to the age of the assets of this level, some items just don’t work quite right, especially sounds, so you wouldn’t get the full experience anyway. There are some full level runs available out there, so check them out. I’ll just go over the some of the highlights.
What makes it more complete is having the nude mod running at the same time, so that Duke’s girls don’t look as out of place with the Penthouse Pets.
Hey, um, your legs are missing.
Oh, look, ads for “Shadow Warrior“, how nice.
The girl is nice, but the red light doesn’t do her any favors. Good thing she shows up elsewhere
I’ve noticed that you find aliens in with Pets’ hotel rooms. Gonna feel guilty if I’m Duke-blocking them from getting some.
If anyone knows what is supposed to be in this picture, please let me know.
Always weird glitches with some of the floor and ceiling textures. Actually been having that problem with EDuke regardless.
So that’s a look at the Penthouse level. Downloads are still available out there for you to enjoy.
And lastly, Whoever put the Battlelord Sentry at the end can kindly go fuck themselves.
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[…] had to do that same thing when I did my Duke Nukem (episode) because some of those mods required it to […]