BeelzeRog Adult Game Review 19: Space Rescue Code Pink
On March 4, 2023 by beelzerogSo, I’m having to eat my words, but for a good reason. My videos originally focused on nude mods for games mostly because I just enjoy them, but also because I wasn’t seeing much on the adult gaming side that was interesting me. A lot of puzzle games, a lot of RPG Maker games, and a ton of Visual Novels. Games like “Lust for Darkness” or a decent “Leisure Suit Larry” style game was few and far between. But the floodgates seem to have opened and I’m seeing more and more games that I’m personally interested in. And now I’m going to be splitting more time between nude mod reviews and adult games. And I’m going to start with one that was recommended to me after I put up my Leisure Suit Larry comparisons video; “Space Rescue: Code Pink” by Moonfish Games.
In the game, you play as Keen, a recently graduated repairman serving aboard the Green Beetle, a B-Class Rescue and Relax ship. One of the last of its kind, The Green Beetle helps stranded and weary space travelers, with a full repair center and medical facilities, as well as a spa. He is also the only male crew member, serving with a bevy of beautiful bab…ahem women.
Rini: Women! Women full of agency and pluck.
Fortunately, Keen is a nice, though slightly dense, guy and is there to do his job, even if he does enjoy the view.
Rini: “I know someone just like that”
But lucky for him, his job ends up helping several of his fellow crew members and visiting rescuees, earning him their “appreciation” should he solve their various problems, be it simply bring them a can of soda or “Help, this alien plant is overrunning the Bio-garden!”.
Rini: Is that the “I’m Horny! Let’s order a pizza!”?
At first glance, it’s might be mistaken for a regular Visual Novel, with it’s mostly static displays and click-to-progress dialogue. But the game does involve gathering items, repairing objects, plus a mineral-gathering mini-game and a few puzzles. Currently it is still in an Early Development phase, so there are a several puzzles that under construction and some of the storylines only progress to a certain point. There is no dialogue and only a few sound effects. Sex scenes are generally looped animations with no sound.
Rini: You can make your own sound effects. *Shlurp Shlurp* Each time you press the space bar *Shlurp Shlurp*
Moonfish Games has promised voices once the game is completed, but if you just prefer spoken dialogue, there is an option to turn on a text-to-speech voice which will read the dialogue, albeit with a stilted voice.
Rini: OK, that would be amazing if you could get the Stephen Hawking voice to do the dialogue.
“Stick it in”
Rini: “I want to show you… my appreciation”
The biggest selling point is definitely the art. The characters are rendered in a very nice, clean 2D cartoon style that reminds me of a few of the higher quality western adult comics of the 90’s, like “XXXenophile“. The women are all rendered in a variety of forms, from the athletic pilot Lune to the curvy gardener Sophie to the tall and thin alien masseuse Lorza. A few male characters do show up, but most of the interactions will be with the women. The backgrounds are also nice and filled with the occasional suggestive art pieces and easter eggs.
Rini: And by occasional, we mean every frame. There is some fantastic pieces of sculpture, keep your eyes open. Or not, because some of them just kind of stare at you. Like, I don’t recall Ganesh having a trunk with a penis, just sayin’. He might be a more popular god if he did have a penis trunk. Just throwing that out there.
Oh, and we were also talking, the art style, the background stuff is very reminiscent of 80’s sci-fi cartoon stuff. I think the whole thing looks very Adam Warren-ish “Dirty Pair” sort-of thing. Aesthetic. Adam Warren “Dirty Pair” Aesthetic. See, it is an adjectival phrase, not a noun.
Story wise, this is a very light and breezy game so far. The storylines do operate in a bit of porn logic, but nothing that completely strains credibility in a sci-fi setting that can pull me out of the game. It helps that Keen is not actively on the prowl. He’s not expecting sex with his crew mates, but he’s also not going to say no. There was an incident in a recent update that might throw a monkey wrench into things, though I haven’t played the most recent update that came down as I was working on this review. But I’m not expecting some great “Star Trek” level moral quandary and tragedy to happen. That would be a sudden shock for this fun little game.
All in all, I’m really having fun with this game and will happily recommend it. It’s a welcome bit of fluff after playing games like the Lust series or regular action games with mods. I’m loving the art, which is distinctive from Honey Select models or anime influences that usually permeate this space. My only big quibble is seeing a few broken items on the ship that are unavailable to fix right now and being frustrated to just walk past them over and over. I’m not in a hurry to have the voices, though we’ll see if the creator’s selected voices are the same as the ones I hear in my head, but a few more sound effects would be nice. This is incredible work from Robin, who’s pretty much the one person doing most of the work on this game, as such I’m happy to wait and see the coming updates. Currently available on Steam with a free public demo available on their Patreon for PC, Mac, and Android.
Rini: This was a ridiculously adorable, wholesome game. I am all for wholesome smuttiness. Wholesome smuttiness gets a thumbs-up. The neat thing about this, and we were talking about this earlier, is that the women are all…sex isn’t done to them. They are affirmatively asking for it and they are agents and have their own agency, which makes it awesome. So we are debating whether Robin was male or female because, especially, there’s a character… was it, Sophie?
Rini: … that is not your typical cartoon or anime drawing of a woman. You know, she’s curvy, but she’s not perfectly shaped like you see in a lot of things. She’s actually kind of a little on the chubby side with actual, visible, chubby tummy. And I had thought that it was a woman making this game. But it’s actually a guy, so props to you, Robin! For making realistic looking women, more or less. And I give it a big thumbs up for wholesome porn. Thumbs up for wholesome porn. I love wholesome porn… and not-so wholesome porn, but that’s another story.
So that’s my latest review. Please let me know your thoughts and impressions, either on my Vimeo channel (no longer available) or if it is published at Spicygaming.net. And if you like my reviews, please consider supporting us at subscribestar.adult/beelzerog to see some behind-the-scenes, listen to the outakes audio I uploaded, and maybe vote on upcoming work.
Rini: Subscribe and like and throw some money our way. It can be expensive. We just got a new upload data plan, so more money is good, so, thank you.
Oh, one last note, I have to compliment Robin on their source for background audio loops. Same place I’ve used a few times, including the outtro. Later!
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[…] that this is a game-in-progress. I’ve had some experiences with such games, including “Space Rescue: Code Pink” and “Postal 4”, which I played in Janky Alpha mode when there were only a couple […]
[…] that this is a game-in-progress. I’ve had some experiences with such games, including “Space Rescue: Code Pink” and “Postal 4“, which I played in Janky Alpha mode when there were only a couple […]