BeelzeRog Nude Mod Review 6: Saints Row 2
On February 26, 2023 by beelzerogHello! So I got a question. Have you ever had a game that kinda upended your game rankings? As I said before, I really loved GTA: Vice City and as a whole, I loved the GTA 3 games. I can even understand why people might like San Andreas the most. While not my favorite of the games, I really had fun playing it. So when GTA 4 came out, we were all hyped. And then we played it. I mean, I enjoyed it, it looked really good, it was fun but it wasn’t GTA 3 fun. Then a new game came out nipping at it’s heels. It was loud, it was crazy, it was FUN! It was “Saints Row 2“.
Here’s the usual recap: You play ‘The Boss’, leader of the Third Street Saints. After the events of the first game, you were in a coma for years. With you gone, the Saints fell apart, leaving a power vacuum now filled by 3 new gangs, just as an earthquake and the rise of a mega corporation has reshaped the city. You break out of the prison hospital and begin your assent to retake the streets of Stilwater.
Now, confession, I wasn’t originally that impressed with Saints Row 1. I played the demo and it was OK, but nothing grabbed me, just another GTA clone. “Saints Row 2” managed to grab my attention with its advertising campaign, so I gave it a shot. I not only bought all of the subsequent Saints Row games up through Gat Outta Hell, I went back and played the first game. I really feel it is the spiritual successor to the GTA 3 series. Hell, Yatzhee gave it a glowing review on Zero Punctuation and that poor bastard hates everything.
So imagine my disappointment when I start shifting back to PC gaming that I find out the Saints Row 2 game is broken. I mean seriously buggy, almost unplayable. An outsourced PC port that was an embarrassment to Volition, but also unfixable because the source code disappeared. But what is a problem can also be an opportunity and the modding community stepped up and created numerous fixes for the gameplay. Last year, the PC source code was tracked down and Volition has pledged to make an update available, but as of this recording, they have not completed it.
Before I get started, I have to give a shout out to saintsrowmods.com, which is were all of these mods come from. Some of them are also available at other places, like Nexus Mods or Mods DB, but I found SaintsRowMods to be the most comprehensive. Oh, and for the Adult Corner, you will need to create an account.
The most comprehensive fix right now is a mod compilation called “Gentlemen of the Row” by IdolNinja, who did such a good job that Volition hired him. This fixes a lot of game bugs, as well as adds a lot of features, some are optional because they can be game breaking. Seriously, the amount of features are too long to read out, but one of the biggest ones for our purposes is that you can use it to turn off the nudity pixelation. It is also built so you can use it to add other mods in as well.
And here is where a slight problem comes in. In Saints Row 2 onward, you can choose to be male or female, and I think you’ve all figured out that when I talk about ‘nudes’ it generally means cis-gendered females. Because building a nude skin is a lot easier if you have a model that goes down to underwear or swimsuit level. Just add some nipples and the suggestion of public hair and/or labia and you’re all set. But they generally don’t build a penis into the models, so you end up with a very buff Ken doll if you want to do a regular male character.
Some people are just happy with the pixelation removed, but it also means even on women, some details are missing. And modder MLVNRT decided to fill them in. They decided to not only fill in the missing bits for your character, you have choices in types of nipples and styles of public hair. In addition, they made a 2nd version with slightly different skin texture they refer to as “soft skin”.
There are a couple other mods, one by “Dupe Washington“, which requires the external program Texmod, which would be familiar to some mod users, and another by “Implicit-Bookcarrier” which also gives you the option of some very interesting decorations in the pubic hair.
So your character is all set to go, but you’ve notice your character has a weird smirk. Well, that pops up when your character doesn’t have enough clothes on, usually for the streaking game. There’s an extra mod called “Anim_Face” by FusionH2o which will remove it, so your character will have their normal expression when naked.
The great thing about this is, because of Saints Row’s clothing system, you can have a nearly unlimited selection of clothing options while enjoying your character’s naked status. You want to be a walking Playboy Fem-lin, you can. X-Rated Freckle Bitch’s mascot, go for it.
But wait, you say, can’t we have more than my character nude? Why yes you can. MLVNRT also created Female Nude NPCs, which will remove the clothes off Strippers and Streakers while also forcing all Streakers to be female. Couple this in with the “Gentlemen of the Row” allowing you to have Strippers as gang members and you’ll have armed naked women wandering your territories.
But wait, there’s more! Another mod by MLVNRT also removes the bathing suits of the girls on the Stilwater beaches, turning every beach and riverside property into a nude beach. Watch naked women reading on the boardwalk. So much fun!
So those are the main nude mods for Saints Row 2. Among the other adult mods out there is one by “Implicit-Bookcarrier” which reskins the bat into something that almost resembles the Penetrator from Saints Row the Third.
If I had a request, I’d love to see a billboard mod, which I figured might be possible since the billboards were dynamic in the console version, advertising real movies and other games back when the game came out and for a long time after that. I would assume the code is in there somewhere which might let you redirect to a folder of images, maybe? Also wouldn’t mind to have “Fun Shaundi” nude as well. I mean, she already sounds like lazy sex on a Sunday morning, might as well recreate her Playboy look as well.
(Note from the Future: There is a “Fun Shaundi” nude mod now available)
Regardless, it makes Saints Row even more fun. And this will probably not be our only trip with the 3rd Street Saints. As always, let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for me. Later!
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