BeelzeRog Nude Mod Review 4: Postal 2
On February 26, 2023 by beelzerogFinally, after getting a few reviews under my belt, I’m happy to present the nude mod that inspired me to do this. It’s time to go Postal…. 2.
If you want a full rundown of the series, I highly recommend Civvie 11’s Pro Postal series. He’ll get into the nitty-gritty of the series. But quickly, “Postal 2” is just a week in the life of “The Postal Dude” as he tries to get his daily chores done. As usual, something goes wrong and how he reacts to it is entirely up to you. You can run down the street killing everyone or you can just go about your day. However, various groups in town WILL fuck up your day no matter what you do. So, for me, even if I start off generally peaceful , I will give no fucks by Wednesday.
Now, full disclosure, I was genuinely disturbed by the first “Postal” game. I played it once and traded it in almost immediately. It was just too dark and serious. Yeah, torching the marching band was supposed to be evil fun, but not when the survivors cry out about not feeling their legs. This is why it took so long for me to finally trying out “Postal 2“, which is a completely different game. “Postal 2” solved the problem by doing what “Grand Theft Auto” did; it made everyone in the town an asshole. You will be laughed at, yelled at, and shot at without fail just walking around. As such it becomes a cartoon. A big, violent, Looney Tunes cartoon. It takes no prisoners, no matter your race, religion, sexual preference, or political affiliation. All in the name of bad taste. And as such, a nude mod makes perfect sense.
The mod I found was by Denadin, who did the more extensive “Vice City” mod that I reviewed, and it is probably one of the most immersive nude mods I’ve seen outside of something like “Skyrim” or “Fallout 4“. As with my favorable review of modder fgsfsd’s mod for “Duke Nukem 3D“, this mod goes above and beyond. Starting with the great character models. Almost every female in the game is exposed in some form or another… except for her. While not my thing, I’d be seriously impressed if they did manage it. Otherwise, every female worker, every policewoman, marching musician, every pedestrian is rendered exposed.
Isn’t she just living her best life?
Even the wives of the Lucky Ganesh store owner. And the zombie women as well, though honestly that seems more to be consistent than titilating…. unless you’re into that. Not judging.
But what really makes this mod stand out is the attention to detail. Almost all of the wall art has been changed up. I mean check these out! OK, this is the part that embarrasses me. It wasn’t until I was hunting for more examples that I suddenly realized that much of the artwork on the walls must be image captures from Denadin’s other mods. This is what tipped me off. This is the private dancer from the Vice City mod I just reviewed last episode!
Meantime, you’ve got nude models in the shopping mall. Several of the billboards have also been changed. I mean, check out these bulletin boards in the police station. Hell, they even changed the wording on the petition.
But the part that really stuck out was the video game cabinets. I mean, look at these. Sym Homeless. Drive-By Avenger, Bastard Fish, Teen Sniper (which is a reference to cut content), and Coin Goobler. They even changed the poster ads for Sym Homeless.
Um, this is awkward. See, playing video games makes you violent
And in the notes, they mention that they tried to add an actual Tomb Raider parody game cabinet, but couldn’t get it to work right without other textures going wonky. They included them in the download if you want to try. Nice of them for that.
Now, on top of the regular Postal 2 models, they also have mods for the DLC, Paradise Lost, which was the ‘apology’ for Postal 3. As with regular Postal 2, all of the women have been changed up, including the regular pedestrians, service workers, and the protestors.
Worst case of Rigor Mortis I’ve ever seen. Oh, scratch that. What is it about this section of the Wipe House that lends to such weird ragdolls?
Then you have new extraneous artwork added in, like the bulletin boards. Or items on the altar of Papa Desi. Actually, the entire church is decked out. As is the PU Games building. Unfortunately it is not as complete as the original Postal 2, probably because there just isn’t a lot of hanging artwork.
OK, dude, whatever you’re into.
So, anyway, onto the new video game cabinets. Prey Day 2, Sexy Witches vs the Pope, Crackman, STACKED, Clear Aisle, Malice (looking like the American McGee Alice game), Skeleton Hunt, FarmAggedon, Equality Simulator, and their version of Postal: Redux. Even Pinball cabinets like Larry’s Revenge. The Mata Hari pinball is a double whammy since it’s an actual pinball game and they managed to change the artwork slightly.
Now, there are some problems with the mod, I’m not going to lie. There are some missing textures for some reason, I haven’t figured out why. The first version I installed had a lot of pedestrian textures missing. The later version had less bugs, but Paradise Lost is where the most are at. The lawmen are missing badge textures, there’s some missing textures in the monkey labs and some signs at the arcade. Then there’s this little amusing bit where a male body has a female skin on it. Not sure if that’s the mods fault to the game engine, but funny. Still, a lot better than the first version I tried.
So I highly recommend this mod. I’ve left it running so long that it’s a bit of a shock to see Postal 2 footage without it. Give me your opinion on this or any of the other mods I’ve reviewed and I’ll be back with another video soon. Later!
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