BeelzeRog Nude Mode Review 3: GTA Vice City
On February 26, 2023 by beelzerogHello again! The first 2 episodes were focused on FPS games, so let’s take it back to a third-person view. And then let’s take it back to the 80’s. It’s time for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Just to recap, it is 1986, the drug trade was this decadent cash cow for anyone with an ounce of determination and only an ounce of morals. Recently-released ex-con Tommy Vercceti is sent by his mob bosses to Florida to carve out a piece of the action…and craziness ensues.
This video game manages to scratch so many itches in me, it’s almost addicting.
Giant open world like Grand Theft Auto 3 – Check
Lots of unique settings to explore & literal Easter Eggs to find – Check
Interesting characters to follow around – Check
The best soundtrack of any game in recent memory – check
Wearing it’s 80’s nostalgia on it’s sleeve – Check, check, and check
I graduated high school in 1989, and while I didn’t grow up anywhere near the cultural centers of the 80’s, the look, the fashion, the sound was all everywhere. So, driving down the city streets on a warm summer night with Laura Branigan playing on the radio invokes a lot of memories. And it helps that Vice City apes its influences so thoroughly, specifically “Miami Vice” and “Scarface“.
But, like Duke Nukem before it, it flirted with sleaze without committing to it. You can own a strip club and a porn studio, but you only see them at the PG-13 level. GTA wouldn’t finally make the leap until GTA IV with it’s “titties, titties, titties” uncovered at the strip club. Though honestly, given what would later happen with Hot Coffee, I don’t blame them. So nude mods to the rescue.
This was another case of my ending up with 2 nude mods, this time by accident, because I thought I just re-downloaded the same one, after I thought I lost the old files. So we’ll be doing some comparing and contrasting. Also, I want to give a shoutout to modder “Silent” for a controller mod that makes it easier to control the game with a 360 controller, which is my go-to for games that require a lot of driving since I have problems racing with a keyboard.
The first mod is from 2003 and is by a German modder with the handle “the stranger”. It contains 23 different character skins, including some of the main female characters. They all start out as bitmap files, and then converted one-by-one into the IMG file with ViceTXD. While time consuming, the inclusion of the bitmap files means one could, theoretically, do your own alterations to the characters, something I might actually do at some point because, well I’m not happy with some of the changes. I’ll get into more detail as I do the contrast with the other mod.
The second mod is from 2004 by “Denadin“. This mod is larger, with 48 different character skins, but with pre-converted files. I also found the included IMGTool unable to work in Windows 10, but if you get IMG Factory 1.2, it should work just peachy. The way this mod gets away with having so many character skins is by changing up some of the older pedestrians, which is funny because they still move the same way. But the variety is really nice, as can be seen at the mall, Or in the Malibu club. I did have one problem show up, where some of the Vercetti gang ended up with no skin, just a white silhouette, but finally realized that there were new skins that were not properly replaced. Here’s what they look like after I cleared it up. Look more Miami stylish.
So to do a comparison, we’ll take a look a cutscene, specifically “The Party”. In Stranger’s mod, the waitress model is barely changed, except for her breasts are now exposed through a cut-out. Same with Mercedes, which, In My Honest Opinion, just looks lazy. The porn star Candy Suxx is properly topless, and then there are the groupies, one with the torn top.
Now, Denadin’s mod changes the waitress model completely and opening her outfit up. Mercedes’ outfit is unchanged, as is Candy Suxx. The groupies are there, but with obviously different clothing styles. When I installed the files, I noticed there are two skins for certain characters. One is just the in-game skin and the other is the more detailed cutscene skin. In Denadin’s mod, Candy Suxx’s cutscene skin has her bikini, but her game skin is completely naked. Best example of this is in the mission to blackmail Alex Shrub.
And let’s take a look-see at one of the other locations, the Pole Position strip club. Stranger’s mod makes it pretty standard. You’ll see several models that you’d see on the street. And the private dancer is appropriately topless, unlike her normal appearance.
Denadin’s mod changes things up. First of all, you’ll notice one of the dancers is larger. Unlike Stanger’s mod, there are some of the larger women with exposed nipples wandering around. And the private dancer is more naked during her dance. But the funny part is a special skin. You can’t really get a good look at her, but she’s made up to look like Laura Croft. Guess Tomb Raiding isn’t paying well enough.
So that’s a comparison of the two mods. Given the tools available, it is possible to combine the two and I might even do some editing myself. Love to also see if I can edit some billboards and signs, too. If I do, I’ll be sure to let you all see it.
So that’s another show down. I’m always interested in feedback, so what are your thoughts? and, always, I hope you stick around for the next episode! Later!
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