BeelzeRog Nude Mod Review 18: Duke Nukem Manhattan Project & Adult Level
On March 4, 2023 by beelzerogI didn’t really expect to come back to Duke Nukem again. To be honest, there just wasn’t much left, since most of the Duke games, outside of the main FPS games, were on consoles. Like “Time to Kill“, “Land of the Babes“, and “Zero Hour” (lots of Duke time traveling, ya notice?). But while searching for other nude mods, I stumbled on one for “Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project“ by sveni.com. Intrigued, I downloaded it, but found that the game was no longer available on the usual game sites. Fortunately Civvie11 tweeted out that several Duke games are available for PC on the ZOOM Platform, including Manhattan Project. With that, I had to download it and give it a shot.
Unlike the 3rd person games on most consoles, Manhattan Project is more like the original Duke Nukem games, a platformer with a lot of jumping, shooting, and puzzles. The game is rendered in 3D, but the action is 2D.
In it, Duke is called in to rid New York of a pest problem. Specifically a swarm of mutated creatures under the command of Mech Morphix, a mad scientist who invented the radioactive GLOPP…
Rini: All in caps.
… and is using it to attempt to take over Manhattan, then finally the world. Amusingly, the mutations include the classic Pig Cops from “Duke Nukem 3D“, plus there are whip-welding robot women named Fem-Mechs.
Rini: That’s very alliterative, actually.
That’s the problem-
On each level, Duke must find an exit key and deactivate a bomb strapped to a helpless female hostage.
Rini: “Help me, Duke, help me!”
Once both items are found, Duke can then progress to the next level.
Rini: Is that like sex? You know, you’ve got first base, second base, third base. Anyways.
“Unlocking the next level!”
Rini: “I got below the shirt! I-I touched a bra!”
I found the gameplay fun and the levels interesting. The part that sucked was that I couldn’t get the double jump to work properly. This led me to have to cheat by entering the code to spawn a jetpack so that I could reach the necessary areas. Otherwise I was going to be stuck. Then, well after I had played the game for footage and written the original script, Civvie did a “Pro Nukem: Manhattan Project” episode and explained that you needed to force the V-Sync in the NIVIDA settings because otherwise the double jump wasn’t going to work.
The nude mod is mostly for the female hostages, which are on every level. There are several different types of women, so it’s not the same bleach-blonde bimbos each time. Plus these character models are used in other areas, like this night club, so you actually get a lot of use for the same models over and over again. The mod also renders the red Fem-Mechs topless as well, though it can be hard to see them as they will attack you the second they appear. At then end of the game, the women you saved all appear in a final photo at the end.
Rini: “Oh, Duke!”
There is one big problem with the mod, outside of some of the weird patterns. The game doesn’t like the modified file and will get hung up when you start from from the beginning. So the work around is to make sure you keep both an altered and unaltered copy of the texture files. Start the game with an unaltered file, but once you’ve gotten a few autosaves, usually sometime toward the end of the first section, swap the altered file into the game and you should be able to run around without problems. Again, fun game and the nude mod just adds that little extra spice to it.
On top of that, I found a “Duke Nukem 3D” DukeMatch level that definitely deserves some attention. It’s called “Pussycat” by Anonymous and is basically an adult club in orbit over Earth. As you can see I’ve got the nude mod running at the same time. The various theater rooms have low-res graphics loops playing as well as audio triggers for various Duke phrases and sound effects. Even the bathroom includes a little extra, making it clear that Duke is relieving himself twice.
The big showcase is the main dance/show room. Rotating stages with the various Duke girls inhabit the center areas with ‘video walls’ playing looped images, plus extra rooms with little extra images based on certain fetishes.
Rini: This is one of the most fantastically late-90’s asthetic you will ever see. Repleat with Nine Inch Nails. It’s awesome.
Well, the thing is I’m going through this level and going “I remember that file. I remember that file. I remember that file.”
Rini: It’s like, Greatest hits! With Nine Inch Nails!
Of course, you were playing Nine Inch Nails in the background ‘ cause everyone was.
Rini: Well, some of us were playing Tori (Amos).
Well, there is that.
Rini: It’s not that far of a jump from, ya know, “I wanna fuck you like an animal” to Tori Amos breastfeeding the piglet.
I will leave that alone.
Because of this, I’m keeping an eye out for other adult Duke Levels. There was one more, but it used a lot of this map’s images and not nearly as interesting, Either visually or as a DukeMatch Level.
Let me know if you find any others. And as usual, please check out our SubscribeStar account if you’d like to see some behind-the-scenes information and put in your two-cents about what we might review.
Rini: Also, you know, throwing us some money our way. You know, throwing a coin to your Nude Mod Witcher Review or something.
And also check out SpicyGaming.net where some of my videos are being featured.
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