BeelzeRog Nude Mod Review 10: Saints Row the Third
On February 26, 2023 by beelzerogThanks to all of you for waiting. It took longer than I planned for this episode, mostly because I got distracted with another project which I’ll be showing you at a later episode.
I frequently speak heresies, if you ever noticed. Like the fact I think that KISS made better music when they got rid of the make-up. That Ham & Pineapple is one of the best pizza topping combinations. And that I like both Saints Row 2 and “Saints Row the Third” pretty much equally, with both having different strengths and weaknesses. Saints Row 2 Stilwater has much more distinct areas. The clothing options are insane and the activities are truly varied. “Saints Row the Third” is graphically better. It is far more over the top and is the point of the series where it comes into its own rather than being a GTA clone. I told you we’d take a second trip with the Third Street Saints and here we go.
The Third episode of the franchise sees the Saints become media stars due to their takeover of Stilwater and the Ultor Corporation. This has caught the attention of The Syndicate, an international cabal of organized crime who make the Saints an offer they can’t refuse. Being the Saints… they refuse, and end up on the streets of Steelport, a former industrial hub now overrun with slums, casinos, and sex shops. With an eye on revenge, you begin to slowly take over Steelport with old friends and new allies.
We’ll be reviewing the original version of SR3 as the nude mods for the “Remastered” version have only just started to show up and, well, I haven’t bought it yet. As with the last Saints Row review, all of these mods are available at as long as you have an account.
There are actually several nude and adult mods for SR3 and, honestly, I’m not going to make it through all of them. The one I’ve been using for the longest time is the mod “Porno & Murder” by braincore02. He has recently quit supporting the mod and has given blanket permission for people to use his textures of their own mods. I recently updated my nude mod with GameQube’s “Explicit Genitals Nude Mod”, which uses a couple of mods like “Porno & Murder” for its base, but also includes 6 different pubic hair options. While I’ve got nothing against shaved pubes, it adds some extra decoration since the clothing options are less varied in SR3.
There is also “Female Nude Mod Arbitrary Title” by Anonymous, with the modder specifically chose to make sure the nipples were in place to be covered by the “Hide Your Nipples” pasties from the stores.
Viper’s “Perky Bouncy Tits & Body Remastered Edition” by Viper Venom is specifically attempting to make a texture similar to something you’d see in Skyrim, but there’s now another set simply called “Viper’s Body Retexturing” which there are several different versions.
Comrade JK’s “Nude Female” has a choice of two different nipples and four pubic hair options. It was updated a few years ago using his Saints Row 4 textures, which is something you’ll see a lot of because both games are using the same engine.
Dupe Washington came back with a simply names “Female Body Texture”.
One that is interesting is the “Sexy Lingerie and Stocking Skin Mods” (by Y77117), which basically paints underwear and stockings onto the skin texture, allowing you to add more layering options or just interesting variations of nudity. And, no, the censors are not mine.
Of course, if you want to retain the full body nude, you can also get “Transparent Underwear & Bras” by RabbitB25. This changes up some of the existing underwear with see-thru versions perfect if you want to change things up from just streaking around the neighborhood and hearing the disparaging comments from the pedestrians.
As usual, you might not want to be the only one running around in the buff, so MLVNRT, a modder focused on in my Saints Row 2 review, ported Henry08’s “SRIV Nude City Mod” to SR3. This mod will make all of the female strippers and dominatrix’s nude. It also adds in a nude category for your potential gang members. So the more territory you take over, the more you will have naked women wandering around, much like “Female Nude NPCs” in SR2. But on top of that, you can add in a nude Shaundi and two nude Kinsey’s, one being the regular Kinsey and the second being her Super Kinsey outfit from SR4. You can have them show up randomly like the other gang members, as well as being naked normally in the game and cutscenes. I did notice some occasional texture tearing on their hair, but it’s not game-breaking.
Also fortunately, there are some environmental mods as well. One interesting idea is “Nil Clothing Line (Nude TV)” by MLVNRT. This replaces the looped video and posters in the Planet Saints store to an image of nude characters. But, in the interest of making things unique, it only changes the inside of ONE of the many Planet Saints in the game, so have some fun finding it.
But, if you want to not have to hunt for your naughty advertisements, Idol Ninja released a “Billboard Texture Toolkit“, which will allow you to change the various billboards and displays around town. Now a few people have released their results on like Viper Venom’s “Playboy Billboards & Advertisements” or “Sexy” billboards by Metanight78. Or something a little more PG-13 with “Busty Billboards” by Oshii Na Mikomi.
However, I decided that I wanted my own spin on things, so here’s my personal version. The images are from the various bit of porn I’ve downloaded over the years, from amateur nudes to celebrity skin to some hentai. In order to keep the immersion, I did keep some of the original ads intact even though I didn’t have to. Now I’ve never made this available for a variety of reasons. One of which is that it’s not quite ready for prime time in the first place. Some of the artwork is misplaced, like I should have come up with something better for the donut billboard. Also, one set of art was meant for some of the rotating large ads, but ended up being the long distance place-holders instead. Plus I’d prefer to do something more original if I was going to put something out rather than raiding my porn stash. But that’s just me.
And lastly, for those looking for a little gender equality, you are in luck. Because MLVNRT also adapted Henry08’s “SRIV Penis As Underwear” mod to SR3. Thanks to the model of the Penetrator being included with SR3 & 4, there is a model of a penis available that doesn’t require people to make one from scratch. The “Penis As Underwear” is also usable by both male and female characters, making your futanari to trans character dreams possible. A flabby one is available for SR4 as well as one that is tied to a different clothing slot, which allows streaking in the game, but those have not been ported to SR3, yet.
This is probably the last Saints Row review for a while since most of the mods have been crossed over to SR4, unless a lot more mods have become available for “SR3 Remastered Edition“. But I do make my own rules here, so who knows, maybe I’ll jump into the Saints Row pool again. Meantime, just let me know what you think and I hope to see you again soon.
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[…] mods, but you’ll notice a few times I’ve threatened to make my own. As can be seen in the Saints Row the Third episode, this is not an idle threat. While I am not a programmer, I am a graphic designer by trade, […]