BeelzeRog Nude Mod Review 1: Intro & Worst Nude Mod EVAR!
On February 25, 2023 by beelzerogHey, everyone, welcome to my little nudie mod review show. I”m not sure how many of these I’ll be doing, but I have some games I definitely want to spotlight, so I hope you’ll be along for the ride. I’m doing this mostly because it doesn’t seem like anyone else is doing this, unless you count MxR-Mods and that’s mostly Skyrim & Fallout 4, and I’m going to do a bunch of other games, mostly older. Though I might show you what I’ve got running in Fallout 4.
Who am I? Call me BeelzeRog. You know that one weird uncle who knows a little too much about comics, sci-fi, & video games for a man his age? The one your parents won’t let you visit because he doesn’t have his own kids and leaves his adult literature on display. Yeah, that’s me. The alias is a tribute to Beelzebozo, a routine by the late, great. Bill Hicks.
A man truly ahead of his time. So, since this is my first episode, let’s get this out of the way: I’m old. My first game console was an Atari 2600. I played “Wolfenstein 3D” & “DOOM” on a 386, the same computer that I’d use to dial up an internet service and argue if Carl Macek was the devil on rec.arts.anime. And if I wanted porn, I had to get it in magazines or VHS tapes. Which made my rental night very interesting:
Pretty much. So when mods came along that inserted naked girls into computer games, I was all for it.
Not that porn video games were unknown. You could get the unlicensed, incredibly pixelated “Beat’em & Eat’em” game for the Atari. Or “Custer’s Revenge” *ugh*. And being around the anime scene, you always saw the strip mahjong or dating sim games, which, to me, were more trouble than they were worth, even without the language barrier. I just wanted something to spice up my games.
The first game that I had a nude mod for was “Duke Nukem 3D“. And this being my first episode, I thought I’d review it. But I recently found a much better mod and got it to work, so I’ll do that as a more in-depth episode. Instead I’ll focus on one of the worst nude mods I’ve ever used, which is a shame because it’s for one of my favorite games of all time: The original “Deus Ex“.
Ah, “Deus Ex“. It had everything. The 5-minutes into the future look of decaying streets and cybernetics. An open world with all sorts of nooks & crannies, long conversations with bartenders about economic theory.
Well, that aged like milk. and an ungodly amount of text to read just lying around. A overarching story that namechecked almost every conspiracy theory out there. The ability to come at a problem several different ways and how you solve a problem could affect your gameplay later on. Also looked like ass even when it first came out, NPCs that would glitch out with the slightest provocation, and voice acting that ranged from amusing to “are you sure that’s not racist?” And I loved every second of it… mostly.
So when I saw that someone had made a nude mod for it, I was interested. Figured it might spice up the visuals a bit, add some extra flavor to the cyberpunk aesthetic, with the bars & night clubs and government super agents. Boy, was I wrong. I was so wrong.
So there are several problems here. First of all, it just doesn’t look good. I’m all for pale nipples, but you can barely see them at all, or much of any details for that matter. It’s just kind of a blob of skin. Secondly it changed the character model being used. This is what she looks like without the mod. Thirdly, you can still see traces of skirt she’s supposed to be wearing. And this isn’t the only one. Here’s a few examples of the changed characters. Here’s another where they didn’t swap the legs out for something without a skirt. And then there are the partial nudes. Looks like the Grey Death causes you to lose your shirt and your nipples. Maybe she should get a top from her, or all her friends. And are those supposed to be pubes?
Some of the partial nudes are just bad. It’s like they couldn’t get rid of some of the markings. Here’s what she looks like regularly. Just a little extra effort to make things look like they are see-thru, or like an open-cup bustier or torn in the right places would have gone a long way. I also find it amusing that several of the named characters, as well as the scientists, are not naked, except of some like the UNATCO secretary Janice or Nicholete. Though to be honest, given Nicholete points out where to she lost her virginity to a complete stranger not long after they meet, I don’t think she’d be shy about other things.
So all in all, a very disappointing mod. I realize there are limitation with the game engine, but considering some of the gorgeous mods I’ve seen for Deus Ex, especially Revision, which completely upended my gameplay patterns and gave me an new, challenging, experience, on top of enhanced visuals, I’d think someone could make a much more detailed adult mod for the game. We’ll definitely see examples of that in later episodes.
And a last note, I’ve been lying: There was an even more disappointing Deus Ex nude mod, but it was for “Deus Ex: Invisible War“, which was disappointing all on it’s own. And I’m not sure I’d even call it a nude mod. It only affects the player character and, I mean, can you even see anything?
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[…] And it will be my attempt to do a better mod than the one that I had complained about loudly on my first episode: the original Deus Ex. I mean, I wasn’t attempting some HD upgrade, I wasn’t adding new items, […]