BeelzeRog Nude Mod Review 14: Fallout 4
On February 26, 2023 by beelzerogOn October 28th, 2008, “Fallout 3” was released in North America. Around a week’s time after, the first attempts at nude mods would be uploaded to Nexus Mods. Today, 349 mods have a nudity tag on them at the Nexus and the total number of adult mods available on Lovers Lab is 14. Two year’s later, “Fallout: New Vegas” was released. Because it ran on pretty much the same game engine, a nude mod was available almost immediately. Today, there are currently 233 adult mods available for this game on Lovers Lab alone. Then on November 10th, 2015, Fallout 4 would arrive. A full nude-mod went up on the Nexus the next day. Over 5 years later, Lovers Lab currently counts 532 adult mods for the game. Even the free-to-play “Fallout Shelter” has nude mods… because while the places and game engines may vary…. Porn… Porn never changes…
<Record Scratch>
Ok, that was probably a long way to go for that joke.
In my first episode, I mentioned I’d probably show you what I have running in “Fallout 4” and with the re-release of a certain mod, I felt it was the right time to talk about it.
Obviously I am not going to go over ALL of the adult mods available for Fallout 4. I could seriously make an entire career covering them, which I’m really not prepared to do. So if you want a more complete overview, I suggest following the guy who’s been doing this for years, MXR Mods (NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: YouTube has removed MXR’s channels. 2 guesses why). MXR’s mod reviews are probably one of the biggest single factors in why I went back to PC gaming. And if you subscribe to his Patreon, you can see his adult mod reviews uncensored.
Now I had played through Fallout 4 already on XBox, so any desire to stick to the main quest was gone. Meaning I loaded up on Mods before I even started again. Since these mods come from different places, I’ll put a ’N’ for those that are available at Nexus Mods and a ‘L’ for those available at Lover’s Lab. Some are available at both, so I’ll put both marks up for those. Of course, I put in some standard mods like “Settlement Limits Slashed”, “Extended Dialogue Interface”, “Everyone’s Best Friend” so I can have Dogmeat as well as a regular companion. I also downloaded the companion, “Elle – the cartographer”, who is supposed to be from New Vegas and mapping out the Commonwealth. I picked her because she’s voiced by PotasticPanda, MXR’s girlfriend, and because Potastic hasn’t ported her own “Skyrim” character, “Recorder” to Fallout 4. Though seeing how I *ahem* dress Elle probably won’t persuade her to actually get it done.
Screen Text: <Sorry Jeannie>
So, to start off, I’m using “ZaZ – Extended Skeleton” for more animation ‘bones’, allowing more animations for my characters. When I downloaded it only the “Fusion Girl -3BBB” skin texture was compatible, though now there are mods to make the “CBBE” and “Atomic Beauty” textures work as well. The nicest part is with the last updates that I downloaded, the skins and body shapes are trying to keep themselves consistent with the body shapes of the NPCs in the game, so everyone doesn’t look the same. And to add at least a little extra, I used the mod “LooksMenu – Pubes Forever”, though it only seems to work on my character. I guess everyone else lost theirs in the radiation storms. In the land of the smooth, she who has the muff is queen.
But there is one small problem with the skins, especially when I’m trying to adjust my character. Not sure if this is a skeleton problem or a texture problem, but it’s kinda horrifying. I know several women who don’t want their breasts to droop, but I don’t think this is what they had in mind.
For the men, I use “BodyTalk3”. I know some of you are scratching your heads as to why, but this game has actual sex mods, not just nudity. And I’m not going to condemn the women of the Commonwealth to attempt to mate with Ken dolls.
The one outfit I downloaded is “TheKite-Vault Tech Slave Suit”, a suit you can have open in all the right places. But I prefer my regular look, so I just handed it off to Marcy to wear. Figure it might offset her bad mood. I’ve downloaded others, but have since removed them because I never used them. Not that I needed them, because “Everybody Loves Nudes – All DLC” means I score points for walking around with nothing on, but it also means Preston Garvey won’t leave me alone.
The one change I kept was “Vaultmeat Pervert Pip-boy”, which adds a naked Vault-Girl to your background. Change the color, change the version. Even Futanari if you’re into that.
For the environment, I’ve got “Pinups of the Wasteland”, which changed several of the advertisements to a more pin-up style of artwork. While I’d prefer more nudity, most of the other ad replacers tend to be more jarringly out of place. This is made up by “Erotic Paintings” which places nude pin-ups for you to decorate your settlements with, as well as replacing some of the hanging artwork in the Commonwealth.
I also added a little extra decorations by downloading “Videos of the Wasteland”. This mod allows you to play videos on Televisions or Projectors. While there is an assortment of video available, I choose “VoTW Vintage Nude Films 09”, which plays various loops of Stag Films from the 1950s, and makes it all that much more immersive.
There is even separate mods that will repair and clean up the Starlight Drive-In. Big screen videos! But only for those video sets that are compatible.
Then there are the collectables. For the magazines I use “Sorta Lore Friendly Magazines” with “Karna’s Nude Magazine Backs”. I changed the Vault Boy’s gender with “Bobble Girl – With Slooty Vault Suit” and then added in “Bobble Girl – Skimpy Outfit Retexture Updated” and choose the “Booble Girl Nude All-in-One” Pack download.
Now comes the big event. “Advanced Animation Framework” is the package that allows you to put the sex into sex mod. While it does not actually do the animations, it is, as noted, the Framework for everything else. I’ve added in “VanillaKinkyCreatureAnimation Themes” to help. My first animation set was “Atomic Lust”, which contained an OK number of animations. I recently managed to add “BP70’s Fallout Sex Anims” which added much, much more, giving me some variety.
Though there are a few bugs.
But if you don’t want to have to open the AAF window to get your people to get their freak on, there are various mods which will initiate them for you. Some are the usual ‘seduction’ style, but I decided to grab “Vanilla Fudge” which will have people you’ve dealt with ask to give you a little something extra. You do have the ability to turn them down, but otherwise, you can engage in sex acts with a lot of different characters if they fancy you. And they are persistent, too. I’ve had settlers follow me from Far Harbor to Sanctuary just to get laid. Not that I have any room to talk. But you don’t have to be the only one having sex, because there is also “Random Shenanigans”, where two characters will randomly start banging. Sometimes you can see dialogue between the two (or three) as they basically say “Nice shoes, wanna fuck?” Though it’s not always in an obvious place, so one thing that helps is “AAF Spectators”, which will start gathering other NPCs around the people having sex to cheer them on, whether it is you or some Randoms. Doesn’t seem to work on your companions, nor the kids… though that’s probably not a bad thing. Actually, I should note that none of these sex mods affect any of the kids in Fallout 4, in case you were worried about that.
You can also initiate a sudden orgy with the combination of the “SRO -Syringer Overhaul”, which ups the look and abilities of the Syringer weapon, and adding in the separate “Lust Syringe” which will make everyone in the area of the person hit with it stop what they are going and go to town, on themselves or each other. Though they might initially treat it like an attack, since you are using an actual weapon.
So I mentioned that there was something that came down that made me decide to finally make this video and I guess it’s a view into my personality. See, there are a lot of different sex mods for this game, several of them involve slavery and rape, which is not high on my things to do. But a mod came out that piqued my interest, then it disappeared before I could download it, but now has come back. It is called “Commonwealth Captives”. The basic gist of the mod is that enemy camps will have captive settlers spawn in them that you can rescue. Best to add in a bondage mod like “Torture Devices”, which will have them on racks and make them easier to find. You do have the option of leaving them behind, but that’s just not playing the game right. You can save them, as well as equip them, and they will stay as companions, unless you get them killed. You have a few other options. You can ask for a reward, which will initiate a sex scene (oh, and the nice thing about AAF is that you can bring up the console and switch positions if you don’t like what you start off with in “Captives”. Same with “Random Shenanigans” and “Vanilla Fudge”.). Now the funniest part is sometimes it will trigger a Vanilla Fudge incident with that very same “Captive”, so you can have sex twice. Then you also have the choice of just sending them away or you can send them to your settlements. There, they will usually end up with their own clothing, so you may have to modify them again if you have a dress code like I do. Much more interesting that actually capturing people for your own slave dens. There is one glitch I noticed, where sometimes when a settlement is being attack, you’ll find Captives outside of your base that you can then free.
Lastly, there’s one set of weapons that are pretty practical and damn hilarious, named “Disrobing Weapons – Get Nude Damnit”. It gives you a set of weapons, a pool cue, which you can wack people with; a gun, which unfortunately for a few people, looks a lot like a Plasma rifle, but has some amusing splash damage. And then there is a grenade, which can disrobe an entire crowd. There’s actually two good things about these weapons. One is that they don’t actually disrobe the person as deselect outfits, so their clothes are still in their inventory. Very useful for me when I’m trying to change out my settlers so that they get a little more Vitamin D… in Fallout, yeah I know. But some of my companions have also been hit by the gun, so it makes it easier to re-equip them. Also, people don’t react to them like weapons, which means you can run through Diamond City just blowing clothes off people and no one does a thing.
So that is what I currently have running in Fallout 4. I’ve got a few others saved for later that are missions with adult elements, but I’ve only just started regular DLC like Far Harbor, so it’s gonna be a bit before I feel the need to do more. Still, I’m keeping my eyes open as more and more mods are being made every day. As usual, let me know what you think, if you have any questions or suggestions and I’ll be back with something a little more vintage later.
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